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  • There’s a lot to love about the combination of chocolate and hazelnuts, but mass-market spreads are loaded with sugar (it’s the first ingredient!). Turns out, you don’t need that much sweetness to enhance this classic combo. This Paleo-friendly,...

    There’s a lot to love about the combination of chocolate and hazelnuts, but mass-market spreads are loaded with sugar (it’s the first ingredient!). Turns out, you don’t need that much sweetness to enhance this classic combo. This Paleo-friendly, vegan version has all the flavor you want—with no refined sugar or palm oil.

    Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread

    Yield: 1 cup
    Active Time: 10 minutes
    Total Time: 20 minutes

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    Ingredients for this Vegan and Paleo Recipe

    1 cup hazelnuts
    2 tablespoons cacao powder
    2 tablespoons coconut oil
    1 tablespoon coconut cream
    2 tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup
    3 tablespoons coconut sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 teaspoon salt

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

    Spread the hazelnuts in a single layer on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven for about 12 minutes, until they’ve browned a little and the skins are blistered a little. Wrap them in a kitchen towel and rub vigorously to remove as much of the loose skins as possible. Let cool completely.

    In a food processor, grind the hazelnuts until they form a paste. Add the cocoa powder, oil, coconut cream, honey, sugar, vanilla, and salt and continue processing until the mixture is smooth.

    Scrape your spread into a jar or other resealable container, and cover. Keep in fridge for up to 2 weeks.

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    Soul Purpose Tuesday Wellness Groove 2018 1st Qtr Lymph Blitz


    Good Day, Soul Purpose People! Happy New Years and welcome to your lunchtime midday wellness groove. Take a break to balance mind, body, soul, and jam a little, too. Time to #walknwellness and get #healthyhooked. Today, we kick-off our 1st quarter Lymph blitz from stagnation to stimulation as we commit to a lip lickin’, keep-it-moving, nutrition-based regime that supports a healthy lymphatic system. On the playlist: Kindred the Family Soul, Chris Blue, India Aire, Intelligenz and Kimberly Nichole. Follow the show and access recommendations here at www.WalkNWellness.com.

    Listen to “Soul Purpose Tuesday Wellness Groove: 1st Qtr Lymph Blitz” on Spreaker.

    The show opens with  “Get It, Got Itby Kindred The Family Soul from their album, A Couple of Friends.


    HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I’m not going to ask what are your resolutions for this year. Whenever you are developing a strategy, it’s almost always best, to begin with, the end. WHAT SPECIFICALLY DO YOU WANT?  Once you define your goals, those goals then become your desired outcomes. Now, you can develop a plan / a strategy that supports the outcomes you desire. Leverage your existing resources and seek the paths of least resistance.

    Now, what I will ask you, “What is your theme for this year?” Allow your theme to be your framework for building and your sifter of the myriad of activities and information you will encounter this year. Your theme should keep you focused on your end goal. In choosing a theme, keep it simple, but relevant to your life, no one else’s.

    Enough New Years talk, I want to welcome you to the 2018 edition of Soul Purpose Tuesday, Your mid-morning lunchtime wellness groove. WARNING: THIS IS A TO DO SHOW. The format is designed to be memorable, useful, and fun. The show’s purpose is to share nutrition based wellness strategies and information in a compelling way with the core belief that being well = being balanced body, mind, and soul. Our foundation, our goal is a Soul Purpose Lifestyle*.

    “Is what you put in your mouth, on your skin, and allow in your spirit, Life Giving or life robbing?”

    Next on the groove list is India Aire’s “I Am Light” from her album, Songversations.

    Whatever words follow the words “I Am” in thought or speech will surely follow you. What is your “I Am” self-talk? Me, I’m Walking In Wellness and I ask that you, please, walk with me. Now, let’s affirm. Let’s write it down, speak it and review in our mind and speech throughout the day and the week. Ready? Think, I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Write, I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Speak,  I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Journal on this affirmation throughout the week and see what unfolds.


    (BELL RINGS) PRIZE TIME * The first three people* to comment on I Am and journaling will win a two year (2018 / 2019) inspirational checkbook planner. Just comment on this post.


    Get moving because “Something’s Got A Hold On Me” is next on the groove list brought to us from Kimberly Nichole’s The Voice performance.

    Time to talk lymph and blitz…  

    The lymphatic system, a non-closed system that’s part of the circulatory system, is comprised of a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart. The circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 liters of the filtered plasma actually get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 liters are left behind in the interstitial fluid


    The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood. Lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma that is protein poor.

    A key player in regulating the body’s immune system, the lymphatic network of tissues and organs is responsible for ridding toxins via the transport of the infection-fighting lymph fluid throughout the body. Lymphatic vessels connect to approximately 600 lymph nodes in the human body that are located in the tonsils, groin, spleen, and armpitsEach of the 100 trillion cells that compose the human body depends on the free-flowing of liquids for nutrition, detoxification, and oxygenation. 

    Essentially, it is the force of blood flow (pressure) which acts to bathe and nourish cells and rinse away the cellular waste like your garden hose waters and rinses your plants. 

    A diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure) refers to a resistance to blood flow, i.e. increased pressure in the blood vessel. If your blood pressure is high enough that you need a drug then that means either:

    1. a lot of blood-clogging, sludgy gook is impeding flow, resulting in a build-up of pressure OR
    2. blood vessels have narrowed restricting flow and resulting in pressure elevation. The blood vessels narrow from damage (that’s called “stenosis”) or as a manifestation of the stress response 

    A toxic lymphatic system will inevitably overburden the liver until it is no longer able to cope with the overabundance toxins. These toxins are then diverted towards every mucus membrane in the body as well as other emergency elimination pathways like the lungs, intestines, skin, eyes, and kidneys. This causes chronic inflammation in the mucus membranes which is responsible for every type of “itis” that occurs in the body.


    1st Qtr Lymph Blitz

    The good news is it’s not hard to address the health of the lymphatic system. There are two important factors: 1] stop putting the toxins in and 2] move. 

    • Nutrition - due to the extreme amount of processed food we ingest and the nutrient-lacking soil from which much of our food is grown, many of us are starving our cells from the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed for our cells to be the self-healing tools for which they are designed. So, let’s jump start our bodies with the full nutrition they need while we begin to eat healthier and implement strategies that support and detox our lymphatic systems. 
      RECOMMENDATION: A high efficacy based nutrition program.
      In medical terms, efficacy refers to the ability of a product to provide a beneficial effect. There are two programs of equal value. Your preference is the only difference.
    • **THRIVE EXPERIENCE: The Foundation - premium naturopathic and synergistic formula of Vitamins, Minerals, Plant Extracts, Anti-Oxidants, Enzymes, Pro-Biotics, and Amino Acids in a combination of Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules, Ultra Micronized Lifestyle Shake Mix, and Lifestyle DFT (Derma Fusion Technology). DFT is a patch that infuses the skin with longterm time released nutrition.
    • **HEALTHY START PAK:  broad spectrum foundation nutrition delivering the highest quality essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health. Youngevity Beyond Tangy multi-vitamin mineral complex, 

    The lymph is also a transport system for EFAs (essential fatty acids), these are included the healthy unsaturated fats. 

    • Work to eliminate saturated fats by replacing them with healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Eat smaller amounts of fatty foods while implementing unsaturated fatty nutrients into your diet.
      *Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (low heat), Walnut Oil (med-high heat), Grapeseed Oil (med-high), and/or Sesame Seed Oil (high heat) instead of vegetable, canola, or corn oils. Make lip lickin’ tasty vegetables you season with the healthy oils and spices instead of fat from meat.
    • *Use raw or unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil instead of butter. Also, tastes great in coffees and cocoa. No margin.
    • Add Hempseeds to your diet! Hempseed is a superfood that’s the perfect protein and has the perfect ratio of Omega 3, 6, and 9s. Just sprinkle the tasteless seeds on your food


    • MOVE: One of the best ways to move the lymph and improve circulation is to get a rebounder. Lymph movement depends on muscle movement. Sedentary lifestyles all but guarantee lymphatic congestion. And that means poison congestion, not good! Even a brisk walk can get muscles to put enough pressure on the lymphatic vessels to move things around, deep breathing works too. Lungs are heavily muscle-ized. There are large concentrations of lymphatic system plumbing located next to these lung muscles and as they move, so does the lymph. You’ll bump up your pleasure hormones (endorphins) and improve your mental health, all while you’re safely and gently lowering your blood pressure without doctors or drugs.

    The Lymphatic System

    The lymphatic system,  the body’s waste disposal system, is comprised of a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system, which is part of the circulatory system, is not a closed system. The circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 liters of the filtered plasma actually get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 liters are left behind in the interstitial fluid. The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood. Lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma that is protein poor.


    The lymphatic system is also a key player in regulating the body’s immune system! Comprised of a large network of tissues and organs responsible for ridding toxins, the lymphatic system’s primary job is to transport infection-fighting lymph. Lymphatic vessels connect to lymph nodes, which are where lymph is filtered. There are approximately 600 lymph nodes in the human body located in tonsils, groin, spleen, and armpits.


    Lymphatic organs play an important part in the immune system. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. Lymphoid tissues contain lymphocytes, but they also contain other types of cells for support.[3] The lymphatic system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes (the primary cellular component of lymph), which includes the spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system.[4]

    NOTE: Lowering blood pressure artificially, pharmacologically = Less cellular nutrition, oxygen, and detoxification. Let’s look at addressing the causes of pressure building stagnation and stenosis, i.e. stress and digestive system sludge.

    One of the most important reasons for the stagnation of circulatory fluids that cause high blood pressure involves the lymphatic vessels. The lymph, while often regarded as distinct from the circulatory system, is essentially one and the same. There are just as many miles of lymphatic vessels as there are blood vessels. And they are connected. They are in essence one system. Both systems branch out from centralized large vessels into teeny tiny capillaries at which point nutrients are dropped into tissues and cells and then picked up again for a return trip. At this point, an uptake between systems takes place and what was in the blood becomes the lymph and what was in the lymph becomes the blood.


    The implications of the merging and unification of these two systems for blood pressure health is significant. It means that blood pressure actually depends on the fluidity and movement of two systems, not just one. While both the blood and the lymph are susceptible to sludge, the lymph, in particular, is vulnerable. It’s the main port of egress for gross gunk that accumulates from bad living and eating.


    The good news is it’s really easy to address the health of the lymphatic system. Of course, the most important move is to stop putting the toxins in it the first place. The lymph is especially prone to congestion from fat mal-absorption. In addition to being a route for the elimination of toxins, it’s also a transport system for EFAs, fatty vitamins, and other dietary fats. Eat smaller amounts of fatty foods and make sure you’re getting your fatty nutrients too.


    Click Here: Discover the Lymph Blitz: Ways to Detox & Support The Lymphatic System

    One of the best ways to move the lymph and improve circulation is to get a rebounder (Any type of exercise, such as walking, weight lifting or swimming, helps flush toxins in the lymph. But rebounding is by far the most effective movement therapy for increasing lymph flow and draining toxins from the body). Lymph movement depends on muscle movement. Sedentary lifestyles all but guarantee lymphatic congestion. And that means poison, not good! Even a brisk walk can get muscles to put enough pressure on the lymphatic vessels to move things around, deep breathing works too. Lungs are heavily muscle-ized. There are large concentrations of lymphatic system plumbing located next to these lung muscles and as they move, so does the lymph. You’ll bump up your pleasure hormones (endorphins) and improve your mental health, all while you’re safely and gently lowering your blood pressure without doctors or drugs.

    It’s your mid-morning lunchtime wellness groove. Let’s #WalkNWellness and Get Healthy Hooked. Your wellness advocate, Jacqueline Taylor-Adams aligns the Soul Purpose Lifestyle with strategies and tips that nourish your mind, body, skin and soul!

    It’s your mid-morning lunchtime wellness groove. Let’s #WalkNWellness and Get Healthy Hooked. Your wellness advocate, Jacqueline Taylor-Adams aligns the Soul Purpose Lifestyle with strategies and tips that nourish your mind, body, skin and soul!

    • Affirmation: I’m Walking In Wellness
    • Meditation: “…I am a child of God. My playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around me. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as I let my own light shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As I am liberated from my own fear, my presence automatically liberates others.” ―Marianne Williamson
    • Body System: The Brain

    Nutrition: 15 Foods That Feed the Brain

    Soul Purpose Mother JOY soy candle trio limited edition - exclusive sale thru 25 May ($15 off)


    Exercise: Try Tai Chi!


    Tune into Soul Purpose Tuesday on Master Griot / NBBTA Radio every 1st Tues of the month…

    From Our Soul Purpose JOY of the Month Club, #HAIRSTORY it’s SIMPLY PURE ESSENTIAL!

    Feed and nourish your hair and scalp with our Soul Purpose botanically based, salon quality, hair care formulated with coconut oil. Then, ease in or ease out your day with a Simply massage.


    NOW ON SALE only $40.00 - available thru 30 Apr 2017

    PURE ESSENTIAL SHAMPOO: Our hydrating shampoo is fortified with antioxidants, green tea extracts, Acai Berry, Sugar Cane, Argon Oil and silk amino acids. 12 oz.

    PURE ESSENTIAL CONDITIONER: Detangles hair, repairs surface porosity, and hydrates hair. Helps to prevent dry brittleness and breakage. Eliminates static charge and protects from UV rays.

    SIMPLY MASSAGE BALM: 100% natural, vegan, paraben free, toxin free and fragrance free. Our Simply Unscented Massage Balm is ideal for anyone with sensitive skin. Free of alcohol, synthetic dyes, synthetic fragrance, and other ingredients that can be harmful when absorbed into the skin.

    APRIL 2017 - ABOUT THE JOY of the Month Club We want to bring you JOY 365 days of the year… Welcome to Soul Purpose JOY of the Month Club, an exclusive subscription program that brings you (or someone you gift) every month a different assortment of four (4) decadently great-for-your-skin organic all natural products! Only $50 (retail value $60 - $80). www.JoyoftheMonth.club

    SUBSCRIBE: When you subscribe each month you will receive your club selection auto shipped directly to you and you’ll get FREE shipping, too! Your auto-ship and free shipping begins following month on the same date of the month after you sign up. To subscribe add JOY OF THE MONTH SUBSCRIPTION to your cart. There is no additional charge.

    Discover more at Shop.walknwellness.com

    Welcome to the 5th Season of the hit radio broadcast, Soul Purpose Tuesday! Airing every 1st Tuesday on Master Griot / NBBTA Radio
Get ready to stretch and get Healthy Hooked as we kick off another season of Soul Purpose Tuesday, your mid-morning...

    Welcome to the 5th Season of the hit radio broadcast, Soul Purpose Tuesday! Airing every 1st Tuesday on Master Griot / NBBTA Radio

    Get ready to stretch and get Healthy Hooked as we kick off another season of Soul Purpose Tuesday, your mid-morning lunchtime wellness groove! Your wellness advocate, Jacqueline Taylor-Adams aligns the Soul Purpose Lifestyle with strategies and tips that feed the best of your mind, body, skin and soul! “Is what you put on your skin, in your mouth and allow in your spirit, Life Giving or life robbing?”

    Affirmation: I’m Walking In Wellness Inspirational
    Wisdom: Love for The Creator and Love for Yourself


    Body System: The Heart


    Food / Nutrition: Hemp and Berries: great heart healthy foods that de-stress, too.

    Exercise: STRETCH, 5 min stretch every morning and before bed for one week.

    Playlist: TIGHTROPE feat Big Boi (Janelle Monea) - AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN (Celeste Benton, Mark Hood The Voice Performance) - POLYMATH (Anthony Stewart)




    SOUL PURPOSE TUESDAY airs live on and syndicated On Demand via Master Griot / NBBTA Radio

Love & Black History™ Sessions“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self preservation…” -Audre Lorde
SPEAK ALOUD: Self Love - \Self`-love`\ loving myself IS the belief I hold that I am a valuable and worthy person....

    Love & Black History™ Sessions

    “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self preservation…” -Audre Lorde

    SPEAK ALOUD: Self Love -  \Self`-love`\ loving myself IS the belief I hold that I am a valuable and worthy person. Loving myself means caring about, taking responsibility for, respecting and getting to know and grow myself. An example of self love is when you have a positive view of yourself and are confident in yourself and your place in the world.


    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?…” ― Marianne Williamson


    The quickest way to feel loving toward yourself is to act loving toward yourself. Consistently engage yourself in positive self talk. Joel Osteen contends, “Whatever follows the “I am” will eventually find you.” Become aware of what you say to yourself. How many thoughts are framed with negative words? What are you telling yourself you won’t, can’t, are not? Are you blessing your life? Or are you cursing it?

    “…but when you say, “I am beautiful,” not only does beauty, youth, and freshness start coming your way, but on the inside, your spirit also comes alive. Your self-image begins to improve…” -Joel Osteen. Positive self talk is a great confidence builder and confidence is attractive on everyone.


    You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ―Marianne Williamson



    CHERISH fragrance is a blend of Coconut, Mandarin Orange & Bergamot, with base notes of Amber, Patchouli, Vanilla & Dark Chocolate. A GREAT UNISEX SCENT. This set contains a mini tin all natural soy candle with matching mini perfume that’s crafted with Grape Seed and Sweet Almond Oils. Soul Purpose all natural soy candles are perfect for illuminating and scenting your environment without toxins or parabens. The soy liquefies into a perfect warm, luxurious body and sensual massage oil. | you can’t help but cherish Michael Jackson!



    “I learned to love myself unconditionally because I am a queen…”

    Let’s celebrate Black History today with a living legacy, INDIA ARIE! She has been and is making history as we breathe. Let’s not wait until she dies to share the impact her words, her unfolding, her spiritual depth has had and is having on our lives. Make history. What impact has India Arie had on you?


    “She is on the path of self discovery, loving herself through music.”
    –Oprah Winfrey

    Born October 3, 1975 in the presidential era of Gerald E. Ford and Nelson Rockafella in Denver, CO, India Arie (birthed India Arie Simpson), renowned American contemporary soul singer-songwriter, musician, actress and record producer, creates music that speaks to self love and self worth. To date India has sold over 3.3 million records in the US and 10 million worldwide, won four Grammy Awards and has been nominated 21 times, including for Best R&B Album.

    Absorbing her musical skill early in life, she was encouraged by both parents: her mother, Joyce, herself a former singer, and now India’s stylist; and her father, former ABA and NBA basketball player Ralph Simpson. India’s chosen words, melodies, titles, duets and causes demonstrate an innate knowing of self love, yet India still had to take her own discovery journey. She uses four words to describe this journey: Breakdown, Breakthrough, Elevate and Fly READ MORE * READ MORE


    BODY SYSTEM: Since this series is about love, we will focus on the heart, circulatory and lymphatic systems throughout this series.

    The experience of your spirit and soul is essential to your health. Stress can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize stress will give you a jump on managing stress. Left unchecked, stress can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.


    EXERCISE: Let’s do a little Tai Chi, “meditation in motion.” As an exercise, Tai Chi comprises gentle physical exercise, stretching with mindfulness. It’s safe for people of all ages and doesn’t put too much stress on the muscles and joints. You’ll LUV this great instructive video!

    Check Out 10 BENEFITS OF TAI CHI now http://bit.ly/BenefitsofTaiChi

    Tasty & Sexy Foods That De-Stress

    No particular recipe today. Just sharing the benefits of these great food de-stressors that are great alone or in combination with one another. Not only do these foods make great meals and snacks, they are very healthy whole foods that taste great, too!

    • Berries: Bluberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Elderberries in any form, Raspberries, Acai Berries, Goji Berries, Golden Berries - **no cranberries**
    • Salmon: only wildcaught - an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium. It is a good source of niacin, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, phosphorus and vitamin B6.
    • Walnuts: The health benefits of walnuts include a reduction of bad cholesterol in the body, an improvement in metabolism, and control of diabetes. Other important health benefits of walnuts stem from the fact that these nuts possess anti-inflammatory properties, aid in weight management, and help as a mood booster. They are also believed to slow down the spread of cancer.
    • Yogurt (beware of certain brands - all yogurt is not equal): suggest Greek yogurt and brands: Chobani (find in most supermarkets) and Wallaby (find in Wholefoods, Trader Joes, etc). What distinguishes Greek yogurt is its thicker, creamier texture because the liquid whey is strained out. Also, it contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts. Probiotic cultures may benefit you from lowering your blood pressure to loving your gut.
    • Hemp Seeds: If you’re looking to improve digestion, balance hormones and improve metabolism, then hemp seeds may just be the superfood for you. Hemp Seeds: The therapeutic highlights of hempseeds include they have an excellent 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which supports cardiovascular health * they’re high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has been proven to naturally balance hormones * they are a “Perfect protein” source, not only containing all 20 amino acids, but also each of the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce * they’re rich in soluble and un-soluble fiber which naturally cleanses the colon and reduces sugar cravings. Hemp Seeds are virtually tasteless, so just sprinkle a tablespoon on your food two to three times a day.

    WELL, WHERE’S THE SEXY? It’s coming. Keep reading…


    And, Women, berries are a girl’s best friend! Bright, flavorful, and sweet superfruits, berries are high in antioxidants and polyphenols which help fight chronic disease and cancer. And their health benefits just keep getting sweeter!

    1. Blueberries help promote urinary tract health. Containing polymer, heavy molecule compound along with other antibiotic properties they help inhibit growth of and wash away bacteria such as b-coli along the walls of urinary tract.

    2. FORGET VIAGRA –  next time you feel your libido slipping try scoffing a bowl of strawberries or raspberries. Both fruits have seeds which contain high levels of zinc, the nutrient most associated with sex.They also contain large amounts of anti-oxidants which help blood flow to the sexual organs.

    In males, zinc regulates the level of testosterone which is needed for sperm production. In women, the higher the zinc level the quicker the body apparently prepares itself for sex. And it’s not just the zinc content of the berries which is beneficial in the bedroom. They have the lowest glycemic load of any fruit, meaning they provide sustained energy levels at only a few calories!


    Keep your sexy going with decadent goodness! Have a Lovely Day and save some money as Soul Purpose’s wonderful sunny fragrance topped with Japanese white peonies and a kiss of Bulgarian rose permeates the healing luxury of your Body Polish, Body Custard, Body Gloss and Solid Scent.



    from our Love & Black History™ Self-Love Session…
Tai chi is a noncompetitive martial art known for both its defense techniques and its health benefits. An ancient Chinese tradition, Tai Chi has evolved over centuries to become a means of alleviating...

    from our Love & Black History™ Self-Love Session

    Tai chi is a noncompetitive martial art known for both its defense techniques and its health benefits. An ancient Chinese tradition, Tai Chi has evolved over centuries to become a means of alleviating stress and anxiety, a form of “meditation in motion.”

    As an exercise, Tai Chi comprises gentle physical exercise, stretching with mindfulness and is considered to be safe for people of all ages as it does not put too much stress on the muscles and joints.


    Beyond learning the benefits of Tai Chi is experiencing the benefits. You have 11 minutes to Tai Chi. Your gonna love this video. Your instructor moves at a pace with which everyone can keep up. The steps are easy and doable. Fully commit and you will feel the benefits:

    1. Better mood, with lower levels of depression, stress, and anxiety
    2. Greater aerobic capacity
    3. Increased muscle strength
    4. More energy and stamina
    5. Enhanced flexibility, balance, and agility
    6. Lower blood pressure and improved heart health
    7. Reduced Inflammation
    8. Reduces the risk of falls in older people
    9. Better sleep quality
    10. Enhanced immune system

    source: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265507.php



    from our Love & Black History™ Self-Love Session